By TwitterButtons.com Frank Taaffe was arrested early this morning for DUI in Lake Mary, FL.
It seems FT wasn't getting enough positive TV time or he felt the only way for him to open his own donation site was to get his own charges. Let's just be thankful Frank 'Laffy' Taaffe didn't KILL anyone like GZ did.
So George you still want Frank Taaffe speaking up for you?
Maybe Frank is acting up because he knows his charges are getting ready to be filed with his connection to Trayvon's murder. Maybe George Zimmerman or Shellie Zimmerman is spilling all the beans and Frank is drinking heavily to counter his fear and anxiety? HMMMM....it's possible. Or maybe he is just an irresponsible bigot who thinks drinking and driving is acceptable.
In any regards lets add up all the charges so far. George Zimmerman kicked it off with 2nd degree murder charge, Shellie follow up with her lovely perjury charges and now Frank, not wanting to be left out of all the fun court proceedings has his brand new charges from Seminole County!!
What good bunch of people. Anyone wanna place bets on who is next in line with their own charges? It's only a matter of time with these people.
Frank Taaffe - Newest Mugshot