By TwitterButtons.com This is a great way to kick off the weekend!!! George Zimmerman is living in fear of going back to jail!!!! And he still can't raise any money!!!!
"George is very concerned," said Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara. "He's afraid about a couple of things. One, that he may go back to jail and two, that they are truly running very low on money."
O'Mara says Zimmerman appears on Sean Hannity's show on FOX last week in hopes that people would donate to the George Zimmerman Legal Defense Fund online. However, it only raised around $12,000 dollars since it aired. "Their expenses are increasing so he's hoping for help from the public," O'Mara said.After the 1st and 2nd bond hearings O'mara said GZ was averaging 1k a day in donations. 10 days ago GZ was on the Hannity show begging for money while trying to gain sympathy using God as his alibi. Even Fox News can't help you out of this jam, George. GZ has averaged $1200 a day since his Hannity Date Night. So by going on Hannity, a national, top rated talk show, GZ was able to increase donations by $200 a day or $8.33 per hour or $0.14 per min.!!!!! LOL, that is just pathetic.
Government checks should hit bank accounts in about 3-5 days from today.....I wonder how much his donations will increase then? GZ has poor timing. His supporters are mostly on Government assistance and you can NOT ask those people on the 18th of ANY month for donations....you MUST time it perfectly. GZ should have waited until Aug. 1st or 2nd to do his Hannity interview - His supporters would have had cash on hand and he could have raised 15k by now instead of only 12k ................. LOLOLOLOLOL
I kid......kinda. ;-)
O'Mara says Zimmerman is concerned about going back to jail - FOX 35 News Orlando