By TwitterButtons.com Here is a first look at GZ's interview with Hannity. It appears Hannity made the long journey to Seminole County, Florida. GZ says that 'He is sorry that they (the martins) had to bury their son'. You fucking sick bastard. It's because of your sick deranged mind that you thought you were Barney Fife of Retreat @ Twin Lakes that they had to bury their son!!! He is one of he most vile people in the entire world. He is giving Bin Laden and Hussein a run for their money. Remember folks, Andy Griffin only let Barney Fife have one bullet. And he had to carry that in his pocket. It wasn't allowed to be in his weapon. Andy Griffin was a smart man. It's a damn shame someone didn't make GZ keep his fucking bullet in his pocket. NO, he was fully stocked with a full magazine and 1 ready to fire in the chamber. Anyone wanna play a drinking game - Every time GZ lies : You drink. Fox News tonight at 9pm/EST if you wanna play along or if you just need a easy way to empty the contents of your stomach into the toilet.