By TwitterButtons.com So the Zmurder Fucks attacked the page last night. Facebook is actively protecting racist, bigots, liars, and child murderer-lovers. Bring it Zmurder fans. I have moved my page off of Facebook and will not be returning. I hope everyone will visit the new site - same info - you can comment with your Facebook account still, but I will no longer be posting on Facebook. Facebook has made a conscious decision to protect these racist, bigots, and liars. What the Zmurder crowd wasn't prepared for is my counter attack. Facebook is not he only internet platform available to spread the word about GZ's guilt - and - facebook also allows for me and my friends to pull the same below the belt punches that GZ's fan pulled on me. Each and every person who posts on GZLC page in any way supportive of GZ will be subject to having all of their post and comments 'flagged/reported' as abusive for targeting a race/ethnicity and/or targets gender/orientation. It is only a matter of time before each and every one of them is removed from Facebook. That's another thing about me a lot of people don't know - I'm vindictive and I hold a grudge - welcome to that part of my brain Zmurder Fan Club - I have you in my sights now. Here is the new website. There's gonna be some kinks in the first weeks and a few GZ fans will show up - Ill work that out as it happens. http://thestateoftheinternetvsgeorgenshellie.blogspot.com/ _______________________________________________________________________________ One of the hallmarks of Blogger is the importance of freedom of speech. Blogger is a provider of content creation tools, not a mediator of that content. We allow our users to create blogs, but we don't make any claims about the content of these pages, nor do we censor them. However, Blogger has standards and policies in place to protect our users and the Blogger network, as well as to ensure that Blogger is complying with all national, state, international, and local laws.