By TwitterButtons.com Frank Taaffe's son has been killed in a car crash today. He was driving and his passenger was also killed.
Before anyone feels to bad for Frank 'The Tank' Taaffe let's not forget that this is the same man who said in regards to black people moving in his neighborhood 'You plant corn, you get corn', the same man who has racially harassed Dee Dee, a 16 y/o girl, the same man who has racially harassed Trayvon Martin, his parents, his lawyers, and anyone connect to Trayvon - Frank Taaffe is not a nice man. It is sad his son had to die, and my condonlences to the Taaffe family minus Frank. Frank deserves no sympathy from anyone, he has shown no class or sympathy for Trayvon and this family/supporters and he deserves none of ours.
On a lighter note, I guess that cryptic voicemail message George left to Frank 4 years after his first son died was REALLY meant for this second son dying. George Zimmerman is clairvoyant after all. I mean remember, he knew that if he got out of his truck that would lure Trayvon to hide and wait for the perfect moment to ambush him, so as we can all see, George knew this tragic day was coming. He tried to warn Taaffe with that cryptic Voicemail, it seems Frank didn't heed the warning to his son.
Karma is one nasty lady. Frank Taaffe has lost 2 sons in the past 5 years, his BFF get's locked up and accused of murder, he gets a DUI - i wonder what Karma has in store for Frank next week? Frank you need to talk to Earl, and start a list, because Karma is working you over good and you need to repent. Earl and Randy will teach you, head on over to Camden.