By TwitterButtons.com The GZLC has finally come to their senses. Ok, not really, they didn't drop GZ, but they are finally shutting down the vile Facebook page they opened. In the past month or so that page has become worse than ever. I have personally had 3 to 4 GZ fans post my personal information and call me every name in the book - comments the GZLC allowed to remain posted, without every 'moderating' them.
I email them about this and their response to me was just as childish as a typical GZ cult member response would be. Instead of addressing the actual issue I emailed them about they decided to ignore that issue and turn it around and try to belittle me - does that sound familiar? I have to wonder if Mark O'mara is not running classes on how to be a complete douche when communicating on the internet. The response the GZLC page sent to me was in true GZ groupies fashion. It is no wonder they allowed the disgusting, racist, bigoted, hate-filled, and ignorant comments to be published on their page.
According to them that ends tonight. Supposedly (but we know not to expect the full truth from anyone on the GZ side).
Also in true GZ groupie form the GZLC tried to paint the GZ fans as the victims. They posted this
It should be noted that many of the people who have shown legitimate support for Mr. Zimmerman on the page on Facebook have received threats and have been harassed online, yet they have continued to voice their support. Those supporters have our sincere thanks.I find it quite amusing that they failed to mention that GZ groupies have harassed and cyber stalked/bullied the TM supporters for months now - Why didn't you mention that Mark? For someone who claims to read as many facebook comments as you do, you would have to know that GZ groupies are dangerous people on the internet, they have NO bounds - how did you miss that Mark? Or did you forget about that just like the 37k you forgot that GZ tried to transfer to you - or maybe you forgot like GZ 2nd passport you forgot in your briefcase for over a month? GZ can't remember shit, Mark O'mara can't remember shit - this should make for alot of 'I don't knows' at the rest of the hearing.
The good news - as of tonight, allegedly, the internet will be just a little bit cleaner - just a very little bit. The GZ fans will find a new spot to huddle and share their poisons and hate - they will never leave - but for now, I consider this a victory. Mark O'mara knows why he is shutting that Facebook page down - IT IS DAMAGING HIS CLIENT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH HATE FILLED RACIST AND BIGOTS!!!!
You might get a little more support if you would just admit the truth, Mark. But we have all seem, you aren't the biggest on admitting the truth. And don't mind representing clients that also don't tell the truth, so it should come as no surprise that for the last 3 months you have harbored people on Facebook who also don't like to talk about truth.
It was disgusting while it lasted. Did it feel good to be the 1st Mark?