By TwitterButtons.com The GZLC 'Mod' posted this message that it received in a private message..
George Zimmerman Legal Case A message to the Moderator: I am making a recommendation to this page. You should really be promoting an open minded page. I would not allow my supporters of anything bash people with different opinions. I have been on this page for over an hour, I have not called one person any names but have tried to engage in a convo to convince me Zimmerman is innocent. But your supporters only bash and are very rude. I would rather have 10 open minded honest supporters than 2000+ rude closed minded supporters. You must remember, supporters reflect the supported. And this is not a good reflection for Zimmerman, in my open minded opinion....Then they post 'their' response to this poster....
George Zimmerman Legal Case Mod's response: I hope you'll stick around for a while. Evenings are the worst. We're lightly moderated at this time. Moreover, we are visited by trolls who do not want to engage in open conversation, but who have an aggressive agenda. If we are too "open minded" we are quickly over-run by closed-minded people from the other side of the argument. If you understand that many of the people who post here are harassed and bullied for their opinions, and that some have had their personal accounts banned, you will understand why they are defensive. If you demonstrate an open mind and stick around for a while, my experience is that you'll find a health open debate.
1 - If evenings are the 'worst' then why don't you 'moderate' a little better (can't you pay someone? you have all those donations - oh, my bad -you're broke HA HA LOL!!) or turn off comments at night (That's free you brilliant lawyer)? You know simple things. Law school will now include Facebook 101.
2. The mod is calling the Trayvon Martin supporters 'trolls' - How nice. That is coming STRAIGHT FROM O"MARA'S HORSE MOUTH!!!! Him, and his law firm think that TM supporters are 'trolls'. I would introduce them to 'kettle' but she's black and the mod might call her 'colored or negro'. I mean really GZLC mod, you are gonna say TM supporters are trolls? You are DEFINITELY repping the right fucking client if that is how you feel AND think its acceptable to express it so openly on FB - good for you for not hiding your true feelings, you sick fuck.
3. Now the TM side is 'closed minded' - yes, because that would make the Zmurder Fan Club so very 'open minded', right? There is not 1 GZ fan that can have more than a 2 minute debate about this topic without calling names in that first 2 mins. It seems the GZLC is taking the lead of the Fan Club. The GZ Fan Club is THE MOST CLOSED MINDED group of people I have ever seen. That comment says ALOT about GZLC mod - and it ain't good.
4. Maybe the GZLC 'mod' should tell GZ fans to stop harassing other people ALL OVER THE INTERNET!!! I mean, the GZ fans are the most vile, viscous, disgusting, evil, hateful bunch of people I have ever seen. And the mod wants to claim they are harassed and have their accounts banned. Hey GZLC Spokeswhore why don't you turn the fucking mirror on your fucking Zmurder John's? The GZ fans have ATTACKED my page and they have also ATTACKED GZ FAN PAGES and MANY MANY MANY TM supporters pages - we all have proof they did it - defend them, go on, do it!!!! We all read the comments - there are riffs in the hen house of camp Zmurder. You need to sit your minions down and have a stern talking to them - there are only like 20 GZ fans - hardcore ones anyway - and about 20k TM hard core supports -who do you think's gonna win GZLC - us or you? Tell YOUR FUCKING TROLL ASS CHILD MOLESTING MURDER LOVING FUCKTARDS TO QUIT REPORTING PAGES AND THEIR FUCKING HATEFUL RACIST BIGOTED PAGES WILL STOP BEING HARASSED!!!!! TRUST ME GZLC 'MOD' - YOUR SIDE STARTED IT......TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN BEFORE YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF ANYONE ELSE - SPOKESWHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. The absolute last thing you will ever find on the GZLC page is a 'healthy debate'. Unless your idea of 'healthy' is 'thugvon, treythug, scheme team, crumpkin, nataLIE, team skittles, etc'. If that is what you consider 'healthy' debate about this case then, yes, GZLC 'mod' you are right you will find it on your page. Civil adults don't talk about dead teenagers in such a way - we talk about MURDERERS of those teenagers - that MURDERER can defend his own image - Trayvon Martin CAN'T, because your CHILD MOLESTING MURDERER took that right from him - HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING 'HEALTHY' GOES ON ON YOUR BACTERIA SHIT FILLED VILE PAGE!!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. GZLC 'mod' you make me sick. Just remember Spokeswhore karma is a bitch and karma hates ugly and you are a ugly bitch.