By TwitterButtons.com George Zimmerman, buddy ole pal, its not looking good for you. First the guy in Florida who chased the dude who stole his stereo and then knifed him to death was shot and killed in a drive by AFTER being cleared on SYG. Karma got his ass in the end.
Second the dude in TX who shot and killed his neighbors for playing loud music was convicted and looked stunned as a mother fucker, something similar to what George will look like when his guilty verdict is read.
And today, in GZ home state of Florida we get the tow truck driver who thought he was a cop to the point he wore a badge around his neck, well, George, he was convicted today of manslaughter and 3rd degree murder plus 5 other counts.
So it looks like SYG cleared 1 guy, who Karma got shortly thereafter so technically thats a loss in my book and and SYG lost in the other 2 cases. SYG - 0 ; Conviction - 3
George Zimmermnan you WILL be #4 - GUILTY!!!!