By TwitterButtons.com More discovery was released today. Somehow the pictures that Mystery Asshole Flashlight Man took of Trayvon's dead body have also been released. No pictures of Trayvon's body were supposed to be released to the public.Somehow they were. News outlets are reporting that they have the image but won't post them. The grainy images are available in the link below.
I have not finished reviewing it yet, but George Zimmerman blames his first arrest for assaulting a PD officer on the PD officer and says that the PD officer struck GZ first. He also says to prove this later that month after his arrest that the same PD unit shot and killed someone and GZ claims they never identified themselves in that situation either. He says his father is a magistrate and his mom was court clerk for over 20 years and that he would never hit a PD officer because he hold law enforcement to such a high standard and that he himself wanted to one day be a PD officer.
This shit makes me wanna fucking puke.
George Zimmerman Document Dump 3