By TwitterButtons.com If you just heard a deep moan around the U.S. tonight that was about 3k George Zimmerman fans having simultaneous orgasms. Mark O'mara announced he will be using the SYG/Self Defense plea formally on gzlegalcase.com and that got the Zmurder Fan club feeling randy. LOL
George Zimmerman will be asking for a SYG hearing sometime in the foreseeable future. Mark O'mara announced that GZ plans to use the SYG and self defense defense strategy. He thinks the evidence is strong to show GZ committed know crime. LOL, thats just so laughable I don't know how Mark O'mara can even type those words out without laughing on the inside at least.
This is actually great news, there will be a mini trial for the SYG hearing and GZ will almost certainly have to take the stand. I am placing my bet right now GZ will be DENIED SYG immunity. I am willing to bet anyone, anything on that wager.
Here is Mark O'money's statement.
Since the beginning, there has been a rush to judgement in the case against George Zimmerman. Since the first day of his involvement, Mr. O’Mara has emphasized that people should be patient and wait for the evidence to be released before forming opinions about the case.Now that the State has released the majority of their discovery, the defense asserts that there is clear support for a strong claim of self-defense. Consistent with this claim of self-defense, there will be a “Stand Your Ground” hearing.In the case against George Zimmerman, a “Stand Your Ground” hearing will essentially be a mini-trial. Most of the arguments, witnesses, experts, and evidence that the defense would muster in a criminal trial will be presented in the “Stand Your Ground” hearing.There are significant differences between a “Stand Your Ground” hearing and a trial. In a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, there is no jury; the decision is made by the judge alone. In a criminal trial, the prosecution must prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but in a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, the burden is on the defense to prove that the evidence fits the conditions of the “Stand Your Ground” law. If the Court rules in favor of the defendant in a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, not only are criminal charges dismissed, the defendant is also immune from civil actions related to the shooting. The primary focus of a “Stand Your Ground” hearing is whether George Zimmerman reasonably believed that his use of his weapon was necessary to prevent great bodily harm to himself at the hands of Trayvon Martin.Preparing for the “Stand Your Ground” hearing will require the same time and resources that would be necessary to prepare for a trial. It will take time to collect and submit reciprocal discovery, depose witnesses and experts, and identify evidence to be submitted during the hearing. We anticipate this will still take several months. Mr. O’Mara, again, urges everyone to be patient during this process and to reserve judgment until the evidence is presented in the “Stand Your Ground” hearing.