By TwitterButtons.com Shellie Zimmerman Docket Sounding is set for Sept 19 - Any bets on how long her lawyer will delay? The Zimmerman should buy parking passes at the seminole county courthouse - they are gonna be there A LOT!!!
George Zimmerman Docket Sounding set for tomorrow morning has also been delayed until Oct. 3 at 8:30am. We know O'mara is gonna delay delay delay as long as he can. George Zimmerman knows he is going to prison. He is so afraid of an actual trial date being set that he will instruct O'mara to do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to delay this trial.
The tow truck driver recently convicted in FL after claiming SYG/self defense, his trial took 6 YEARS until the conviction came.
Let's hope O'mara doesn't drag out this trial for 6 fucking years!!!!!!
Shellie Zimmerman Court Info
George Zimmerman New Docket Sounding Date