By TwitterButtons.com
It should be noted that many of the people who have shown legitimate support for Mr. Zimmerman on the page on Facebook have received threats and have been harassed online, yet they have continued to voice their support. Those supporters have our sincere thanks.I find it quite amusing that they failed to mention that GZ groupies have harassed and cyber stalked/bullied the TM supporters for months now - Why didn't you mention that Mark? For someone who claims to read as many facebook comments as you do, you would have to know that GZ groupies are dangerous people on the internet, they have NO bounds - how did you miss that Mark? Or did you forget about that just like the 37k you forgot that GZ tried to transfer to you - or maybe you forgot like GZ 2nd passport you forgot in your briefcase for over a month? GZ can't remember shit, Mark O'mara can't remember shit - this should make for alot of 'I don't knows' at the rest of the hearing.
Since the beginning, there has been a rush to judgement in the case against George Zimmerman. Since the first day of his involvement, Mr. O’Mara has emphasized that people should be patient and wait for the evidence to be released before forming opinions about the case.Now that the State has released the majority of their discovery, the defense asserts that there is clear support for a strong claim of self-defense. Consistent with this claim of self-defense, there will be a “Stand Your Ground” hearing.In the case against George Zimmerman, a “Stand Your Ground” hearing will essentially be a mini-trial. Most of the arguments, witnesses, experts, and evidence that the defense would muster in a criminal trial will be presented in the “Stand Your Ground” hearing.There are significant differences between a “Stand Your Ground” hearing and a trial. In a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, there is no jury; the decision is made by the judge alone. In a criminal trial, the prosecution must prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but in a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, the burden is on the defense to prove that the evidence fits the conditions of the “Stand Your Ground” law. If the Court rules in favor of the defendant in a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, not only are criminal charges dismissed, the defendant is also immune from civil actions related to the shooting. The primary focus of a “Stand Your Ground” hearing is whether George Zimmerman reasonably believed that his use of his weapon was necessary to prevent great bodily harm to himself at the hands of Trayvon Martin.Preparing for the “Stand Your Ground” hearing will require the same time and resources that would be necessary to prepare for a trial. It will take time to collect and submit reciprocal discovery, depose witnesses and experts, and identify evidence to be submitted during the hearing. We anticipate this will still take several months. Mr. O’Mara, again, urges everyone to be patient during this process and to reserve judgment until the evidence is presented in the “Stand Your Ground” hearing.
"George is very concerned," said Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara. "He's afraid about a couple of things. One, that he may go back to jail and two, that they are truly running very low on money."
O'Mara says Zimmerman appears on Sean Hannity's show on FOX last week in hopes that people would donate to the George Zimmerman Legal Defense Fund online. However, it only raised around $12,000 dollars since it aired. "Their expenses are increasing so he's hoping for help from the public," O'Mara said.After the 1st and 2nd bond hearings O'mara said GZ was averaging 1k a day in donations. 10 days ago GZ was on the Hannity show begging for money while trying to gain sympathy using God as his alibi. Even Fox News can't help you out of this jam, George. GZ has averaged $1200 a day since his Hannity Date Night. So by going on Hannity, a national, top rated talk show, GZ was able to increase donations by $200 a day or $8.33 per hour or $0.14 per min.!!!!! LOL, that is just pathetic.
George Zimmerman Legal Case A message to the Moderator: I am making a recommendation to this page. You should really be promoting an open minded page. I would not allow my supporters of anything bash people with different opinions. I have been on this page for over an hour, I have not called one person any names but have tried to engage in a convo to convince me Zimmerman is innocent. But your supporters only bash and are very rude. I would rather have 10 open minded honest supporters than 2000+ rude closed minded supporters. You must remember, supporters reflect the supported. And this is not a good reflection for Zimmerman, in my open minded opinion....Then they post 'their' response to this poster....
George Zimmerman Legal Case Mod's response: I hope you'll stick around for a while. Evenings are the worst. We're lightly moderated at this time. Moreover, we are visited by trolls who do not want to engage in open conversation, but who have an aggressive agenda. If we are too "open minded" we are quickly over-run by closed-minded people from the other side of the argument. If you understand that many of the people who post here are harassed and bullied for their opinions, and that some have had their personal accounts banned, you will understand why they are defensive. If you demonstrate an open mind and stick around for a while, my experience is that you'll find a health open debate.
The fund has been devastated by the need to pay $100,000 to a bondsman and almost $50,000 in security expenses. The skyrocketing legal costs have gone unpaid. The defense fund is at its lowest point since its inception; in fact, with outstanding expenses yet unpaid, the fund is near depletion.George Zimmerman and O'mara seem to not a 'low of the low' level to hit. They just keep getting lower and lower. He used Fox news to pander to racist/bigots and just complete ignorant people - and their WALLETS!!!